Pennsylvania’s Clean Slate law has made a huge difference in over a million people’s lives. 

  • Clean Slate 1.0 passed in 2018 and automated sealing started in 2019. Since then, over 40 million cases have been automatically sealed, and over 1.2 million people have had a record sealed.
  • In 2021, Clean Slate 2.0 eliminated court fees and fines as a barrier to sealing. Now, convictions can be sealed even if costs are due, as long as restitution is paid.  If you owe fees, fines or restitution in Pennsylvania, you can learn more here.
  • In 2023, we hope that “Clean Slate 3.0” will become law, expanding sealing eligibility to drug felony convictions and some property felony offenses. Learn more about Clean Slate 3.0.

Clean Slate In Action

  • Since Clean Slate became law in 2018, CLS has worked to help implement it effectively. Read our May 1, 2020 report on Clean Slate implementation in Pennsylvania.
  • When the criminal records database is missing information, that can mean that an eligible case is not sealed. To help address this problem, Philadelphia’s First Judicial District ordered that some data be filled in. In accordance with this order, missing data was added to approximately 1.7 million offenses in June 2021.
  • One challenge of Clean Slate is making sure that people know that their record has been sealed. When someone's record is sealed by Clean Slate, they do not receive an official notice from the state. To get the word out, CLS has created online resources to help people understand their records, see if their record is sealed, and petition for record clearing.
  • Right now, Pennsylvania’s sealed record data still appears on FBI background checks. The Pennsylvania State Police and the FBI are working together to solve this problem. Learn more about FBI records. Learn more about who can see sealed records.