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Currently, felony convictions cannot be sealed under Clean Slate. The law only seals certain criminal records from public view, including non-convictions, summary offenses, and many non-violent misdemeanor convictions. Advocates are pushing for laws that would allow felony sealing in the future. 

Has a felony conviction ever held you back? Tell us your story.

If you have ever experienced negative outcomes due to a felony conviction, we'd like to hear from you. Stories like yours help highlight the need for initiatives like felony sealing and inspire lawmakers to act. Please share you story using the submission form here. We will not share your story without speaking to you first.

How to check if you have a felony conviction

If you're unsure of whether you have a felony conviction, you can look up your Pennsylvania record here. On the dropdown menu, click "Participant Name", fill in your information, and then click "Search". After the search results come up, hover over the small thumbnail to the left of the case number and click "Court Summary". 

When your court summary comes up, look at the "Grade" column, in the middle of the page, just to the left of the description. If you see an "F", "F1," "F2", or "F3", you were charged with a felony. Now, look at the "Disposition" column to the right of the description. If it says "Guilty", "Guilty Plea" or "Nolo Contendere", then that means you have a felony conviction. Sometimes the grade may be missing, in which case you may need to contact the court in the county where you were convicted to ask for the grade.