When Keith was 18 and a senior in high school, he got into a bit of trouble. “I made some stupid mistakes. I was bored, I guess, and running with the wrong crowd.” Keith worked at a theme park and received complimentary tickets as part of his pay. Like many of his colleagues, Keith sold those tickets to get some extra cash. Keith was caught, and was convicted of misdemeanor theft. That same year, Keith was arrested for DUI after going to a high school party. Both of Keith’s convictions have haunted him ever since, and after 10 years they are still affecting his ability to find jobs and support his wife and children. With Clean Slate, both of Keith’s convictions will be sealed by automation, without Keith filing a petition or paying any fees. “Having my record sealed, that means everything. It will give me all the confidence in the world. It means I don’t have to worry about paying my bills.”